
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Give Reviving (Strength in Hymn)

"Give Reviving"
by Albert Midlane
alt. by Chelsea Scott

Father for Thy promised blessing,
Still we plead before Thy throne
For the times of sweet refreshing,
Which can come from Thee alone
Blessed earnests Thou hast given,
But in these we would not rest
Blessings still with Thee are hidden,
Pour them forth and make us blest!

Prayer ascendeth to Thee ever,
Answer! Father, answer prayer
Bless oh bless each weak endeavor,
Blood-bought pardon to declare
Wake Thy slumbering children wake them,
Bid them to Thy harvest go
Blessings O our Father make,
Round their steps let blessings flow.

Let no people be forgotten,
Let Thy showers on all descend
That in one loud blessed anthem,
Millions may in triumph blend
Give reviving, give refreshing,
Give the looked-for Jubilee
To Thyself may crowds be pressing,
Bringing glory unto Thee.

Give reviving, give refreshing,
Give the looked-for Jubilee
To Thyself may crowds be pressing,
Bringing glory unto Thee

This hymn was our offertory this morning at Lake Baldwin Church. Our soloist, Glynn, kindly gave me her copy of the music to bring home. As I guessed while listening, it is a 19th century hymn which has been updated with slightly different lyrics and new music. You can listen to the Indelible Grace version on-line at Give Reviving or watch the YouTube below

I love these words. I definitely need God's revival and refreshing in my life. Jubilee is one of my favorite words.

The photos I chose to adorn the hymn are from Big Tree Park in Longwood, Florida. The top photo is a clover flower, the second one I don't recognize, and the seed pod is from a sweet gum tree. The park's main attraction, a huge cypress tree called The Senator, burned from arson many years ago, but Lady Liberty is still standing.  Here are a few more photos, all taken with a simple Canon Elph and edited with Picasa.

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty

The Senator - charred remains
Clock made from remnants
redeemed from The Senator
(Matter of Woodwork)

A tree along the board walk 

A damsel fly -
I tried dozens of times to get
a good clear photo, but these
little beauties just won't sit still
so this is a little blurry.
I didn't even know which insect it was,
so I Googled it and found great photos at:
Delicate, Dazzling Damselfly
on the beautiful blog
Walk With Father Nature.
Palm with sunlight


You can find dozens more of my posts with
vintage hymns and nature photos linked here:

Grace and peace,
Virginia Knowles