
Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Am I Still Writing About Abuse?

Why Am I Still Writing About Abuse?

“I know that charity covereth a multitude of sins; but it does not call evil good, because a good man has done it; it does not excuse inconsistencies, because the inconsistent brother has a high name and a fervent spirit; crookedness and worldliness are still crookedness and worldliness, though exhibited in one who seems to have reached no common height of attainment. ~ C.H. Spurgeon

Today’s post is very brief, just a little on why I am still writing about abuse in churches, Christian organizations and families. 

A friend asked recently why I read and write so much about various kinds of abuse in churches, Christian organizations and families.  This has been one of my major interests in the past few years, and I’ve been much more vocal in the past year.

My reasons? 
  • Because it still happens
  • Because it is serious
  • Because it affects people I care about
  • Because not enough people are aware of it
  • Because something can be done if people are willing to speak up and speak out
Do I write out of fear?  No, I write because I have lost my fear.  I am gaining new God-given confidence every day.  Do I write out of bitterness?  No, I write out of compassion, because I can’t stand to watch people I love or even people I have never met get hurt.   I want others to experience the mercy and grace I have found.

I wish I could share with you some of the letters that arrive in my inbox each day as a response to what I’ve written so far, but for discretion’s sake I won’t.  I will tell you that they are heartbreaking.  Families are hurting.  Badly.  Multiply that by the stories I read on blogs, especially by those who have been wounded by the patriarchal edge of the home schooling movement.  Ouch.  Oh, and the news stories.  Sweet heavens, when will it end?

I’ll just leave you with several recent links for more reading.  There are so many more I have read recently, so this is just a very small sampling.

Another death in a home school family following Pearl discipline: Seattle Times article “Murder Charges for Parents Who Left Girl Outside”

Recovering Grace is especially for those raised in Bill Gothard’s ATI/IBLP programs, but really helpful for anyone who has been harmed by legalism

Spiritual Abuse by Tim Challies and Bob Kelleman at

What is Abuse? By Hilary McFarland of Quivering Daughters (abuse in some large home schooling families)

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